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mommy & me new moon ritual

By Cecile Storm

Creative Director


The new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle, bringing with it an encouragement of new beginnings and fresh starts.

a spell for bebe

What you’ll need: fresh lavender, mint, clear quartz, tigers eye, a post card size piece of paper, a red crayon.

What to do: We recommend letting your little one forage for the herbs if possible. Also, be open to whatever else they find in the garden - if they bring you flowers, bugs or twigs add them to the sigil (or magic circle). Once they have found the wild things, have them draw a red circle on the paper. Help them arrange the crystals on the outside of the circle and the herbs on the inside. Let them follow their intuition with how they place the objects. Once they’re satisfied with their sigil have them close their eyes while you light a candle.

Pick a candle of an appropriate color for the job (green or pink for love, yellow for wealth, red for strength, blue for good fortune, mauve for wisdom, brown for stability). Light the candle and tell your child to strongly visualize what they want to achieve this winter. Ask them to hold it in their mind for as long as they can, then blow out the candle. Bury the candle and the sigil in your yard or a flower pot. Don't throw it away. Once thats done, try to forget about it. Happy witching!!!

a bath for mama

What you’ll need: a bag of Moonlit, a glass of purified water and a candle (see above for what color candle you should choose).

What to do: Draw your bath. Light a candle while you take a bath. By brightening the way, you can see more clearly the direction you might want to take. Be sure to hold the candle as you light it, thinking about the intention you wish to manifest. Let the candle burn while you drink your water. Don’t blow out the candle until after you drain the bath water. As the water goes down the drain, visualize everything you want to let go of swirling and disappearing. Blow out the candle, finish your water and get a good nights sleep.

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