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Find What Heals You.

"I've done the research on what it takes to live a healthy life by being my own guinea pig. My goal is to give people of all ages access to products that overcome a lot of health issues simply by adding in new habits. We rely on that time alone in the bathroom and the bathtub." - Shannon Vaughn, Founder

Detox Bathing 101

Some bathe to get clean. Others do it to get warm. And some people are purely of the shower variety. But if you think bathing is only to get your skin clean, here’s an eye opener. A purifying bath goes way beyond a simple rinse and repeat. It happens to be an ideal wellness ritual for giving yourself regular self care.

True beauty and a feeling of whole body wellness is achievable both inside and outside the body through a lasting commitment to self care rituals. Use of pursoma bath soaks encourages you to adopt a daily practice, attending to your wellbeing on mental, emotional, and physical levels by pressing pause on the hustle and bustle of daily life. A habit well worth your time.

Detox Bathing 101

Sources of Stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of life and being human, i.e., dealing with a global pandemic, working from home, moving on from relationships, building new relationships, grieving, moving apartments, health struggles, eating habits, and decision-making on finances, childcare, and careers — the list goes on. And on.

Helpful Ingredients

Herbal teas (that include chamomile, rooibos, ginseng, turmeric). Aromatherapy (lavender and frankincense). We also suggest staying active and moving your body (even though it may feel hard to!), cuddling your pet or other cute things, connecting with someone who you might relate to or talking to someone who understands, and of course, meditation and mindfulness.

Ingredients Matter

We don’t take any shortcuts. We hand-sourced and personally selected every ingredient in Pursoma’s products: from deep-sea kelp beds to shallow salt beds around the world. We know our farmers and suppliers by name. Our ingredients are not only the most pristine, they’re the best managed — treated with the care and integrity you’d use in your own organic garden.


Hand Harvested French Grey Sea Salt
(sodium chloride)

We selected French grey sea salt from the coast of Brittany for its high mineral content. This particular sea salt is hand-harvested using time-honored methods – without refining, oven drying or using chemical additives. Mineral-rich ocean water is flooded into ancient Roman salt beds and allowed to evaporate slowly from the sun’s natural heat. This creates intensely powerful salt crystals embedded with over 80 vital trace minerals. Skilled artisans monitor this process and keep the salt beds hydrated – even during the evaporation process – to create a kinetic crystallization effect which intensifies the salt’s nutrients.

Wet cultivated, harvested and packaged while still moist, our sea salt retains all of the sea’s mineral content – unlike other sea salts that are bleached and dried, which can remove much of their vital nutrients.

Prior to harvesting, the artisans perform a final hand-raking of the salt beds to ionize and harmonize the formed crystals, thereby eliminating clay bed particulate and ensuring the salt’s superlative quality. Our salt farmers practice a craft passed down from generation to generation. When harvested using traditional methods, natural sea salts retain their many therapeutic qualities.


  • Replenishes electrolytes

  • Supplies 82 trace minerals

  • Improves circulation

Products with this ingredient


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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    2024 Š Pursoma All Rights Reserved.